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The Power of People

Jul 3, 2011 by

I believe in the power and possibility of all people. I believe in believing in people. I believe in the power of acceptance. I believe in unconditional positive regard. I believe in giving individuals the permission to find and accept their own vulnerability and authenticity. I believe in finding a specific and unique version of reality for each individual in which they may feel whole and understood and at the risk of no others taking that away from them. I believe in the power of options. I believe in the power of living intentionally. I believe in giving troubles a place to be processed. I believe in supporting and encouraging individuals to seek their potential, while accepting whatever current necessary limitations may exist, in a manner that will allow for peace and acceptance as opposed to damage and disappointment. I believe we are all uniquely equipped for exactly that which we encounter and just need a little help in attaining the necessary perspective in order to see it. I believe that everything, even those most devastating things, have their purpose and their presents, if not their initially obvious “reasons.”

I believe in the tenets of existential therapy – embracing our individual freedom, elevating our collective responsibility, fervently pursuing our inherent quest for meaning, accelerating our drive towards connection (in order to eradicate the often ambient loneliness of being) and aspiring to the evolution necessary to accept our own mortality enough to create lives not only worth living, but worthy of celebrating.

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